Janet and Marie are the sisters of parents both 88 years old* who were living independently in the family home of 55 years. Several years ago, the sisters approached their parents with the idea of moving to a "senior facility". This idea was greeted with a strong desire to stay home in familiar surroundings, in the old neighborhood, and be as independent as possible. They needed a little help and asked the girls to check out what was available.
This sent the girls out to find services to enable their parents to live active, independent, safe, happy lives. To their surprise few services were available. The services they did find required endowments (large sums of money), contract minimums, insurance policies, tax liabilities, etc. The caregivers available were either medical assistants or young kids with the attitude of "let's get this job over with".
So they worked to create a service which would provide what was necessary without high costs, encumbering contracts or limits. They appealed to a more mature caregiver drawing upon life's experiences both professionally and at home while providing needed services, patience and companionship.
Janet and Marie also found that there are many 55 and older seniors who are retired, want a little something to do, and love working with elderly seniors. Thus the creation of Sensible Senior Homecare- a Placement Agency . . . and the rest is history. Now, with offices throughout California, many elderly seniors are staying at home and enjoying their independence. Janet and Marie have created a most needed service without requiring the client to sign a contract, or use a minimum number of hours or days per week or month.
*2002 Dad passed away
2007 Mom passed away